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How Does a Leak Detection System Work?

Oct 11, 2021

Proprietors install security systems and smoke detectors in their offices and buildings but are often not aware of the benefits of a water leak detection system. These types of affordable systems help to constantly monitor and evaluate the water pipes for any leaks. Being able to detect leaks before they become large problems saves time and money while also keeping the property safe and habitable.

How Does a Leak Detection System Work? - SAAB RDS

Why Install a Leak Detection System?

Conserve Water

Finding and fixing a building’s water leak can be a challenge. Worn toilet flappers, irrigation leaks, or bad pip connections can add up to a lot of water waste over time, especially when the leak is not identified until it becomes a larger issue. Conserving water is especially important in areas where water is more of a concern, but small leaks in many locations across your area add up to a lot of unnecessary water waste.

These types of systems can also help you conserve water by automatically monitoring water usage for you. A device will record your minute-by-minute water usage which gives some insight as to where you can save water. You may notice that a majority of your water goes to overuse or irrigation cycles, which may help you find the areas of your property that you can consider cutting down the number of minutes the water is unnecessarily wasted.

Save Money

People who pay for utilities know that the more water you use, the higher your bill will be. Though some leaks may seem to have a small impact on your water bill, these leaks add up over time, potentially becoming worse. A broken sprinkler head or cracked gasket can send hundreds of gallons of water every month down the drain, taking your money with it. Installing a system to detect leaks will keep your usage and water bill in check.

Prevent Mold

Wherever there is water damage, there is the potential for mold to grow. Even small leaks under a counter can result in the appearance of mold over time if it goes unchecked or undetected. Serious health risks, such as skin rashes, asthma attacks, and allergic reactions, can occur when people are exposed to mold over long periods of time. These effects can quickly multiply, causing corrosion and damage that compound over time, compromising the integrity of a building and its machinery.

How Does a Leak Detection System Work?

While various systems can vary from brand to brand, there are typically three components that you’ll find to be consistent across the board. Every system uses some form of sensor, a shut-off valve, and a centralized hub. The sensors use either mechanical turbines or ultrasonic wavelengths to measure the water that is passing through your pipes. Some of these sensors are also able to monitor the temperature of the water, which is particularly useful for detecting frozen pipes.

Many systems utilize an integrated shut-off valve, which can be controlled either remotely or automatically in order to prevent a catastrophe. This system will send you a leak alert so you can respond quickly. These advanced systems also make use of a centralized hub so that your system is always connected to your building’s Wi-Fi. This way, you can receive important notifications in real-time. Simply plug in the hub and the sensors will begin relaying the information.

Where Does a Leak Detection System Get Installed?

Detection systems for water leaks are typically point-of-entry systems, which means that they need to be installed as close as possible to where the water enters your property. Installing it at this location lessens the amount of time the water must travel before reaching the leak detector. For buildings that utilize a water filtration system, the water should go through the leak detector first.

Point-of-use leak detectors are also available. These are similar to a smoke detector in that they can be placed wherever there may be potential leaks, such as under a sink.

Installing a system to detect water leaks can protect your property from disaster. While a system can prove to be an investment, it is one that will absolutely pay off in the long run, keeping surprises at bay and repair costs low.

Contact us at SAAB RDS today and let us help you optimize your productivity through these proven technologies.