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Energy and Power

Ensuring a reliable and efficient management of energy applications is key in today’s world. Clean energy technologies are a priority, together with reliable distribution systems for which condition monitoring and predictive maintenance are a fundamental piece.

Energy is a complex industry, where research and innovation are key for a clean sustainable future. From Smart Grid to Power Quality Analysis, from Condition Monitoring to Power Conversion or enhancing operational intelligence in the Oil and Gas Sector, energy research investments are continuously growing. We can help you accelerate your research in all those fields, and in particular:

  • Solar materials and systems
  • Wind turbine control and optimization
  • Tidal and Biodiesel power system control
  • Grid energy storage
  • Oil and Gas operations optimization

Energy Solutions

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Solving Energy Sector Challenges with Digital Thread – White Paper

This paper identifies the challenges and questions companies involved in the upstream, midstream or downstream block are subject to, and how to address the business pains across the energy sector value chain.

Whitepaper Solving Energy Sector Challenges with Digital Thread

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