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How Much Can You Save By Improving Your Condition Monitoring?

Sep 7, 2021

Did you know you might be wasting thousands in repairs on your machinery? Although most businesses have planned maintenance to keep their equipment running smoothly, many times these costly repairs aren’t necessary at all. Instead of wasting your money, let’s go over why condition monitoring might be the digital transformation you need to keep your business running reliably and affordably.

Condition Monitoring - SAAB RDS

8 Reasons Condition Monitoring Can Save Your Business Money

1. Identify Potential Issues Before They Become Expensive Problems

There’s nothing worse than an unexpected breakdown of crucial machinery. Between the loss in productivity and sudden repair expenses, it can put you in a bad situation. Why run this risk in the first place? Rather than flying blind and hoping for the best, consistent monitoring provides early warning indicators of potential problems.

This is usually done with many different techniques, such as microbial analysis, shock pulse analysis, airborne ultrasonics testing, and more. Ultimately, this can save you tens of thousands in repairs and lost productivity each year.

2. Avoid Breakdowns and Costly Repairs With Proactive Maintenance

With proper equipment monitoring, it’s almost like looking into the future health of your machinery. You’ll know when maintenance will be necessary and how much it’s going to cost. There’s also less need for planned maintenance as condition-based monitoring will tell you exactly when to service your machines. This is important as it’d be a waste of money to do semi-annual repair and maintenance if your equipment is still good for six more months.

3. Save Money by Reducing Risk of Downtime and Unexpected Shutdowns

The great thing about actively monitoring your equipment’s state is you’ll never be caught off guard again. That’s because by measuring things like temperature, dynamics, oil, and more, you instantly know when things are going wrong. This provides you time to address the root cause of the condition and fix it before your equipment goes down or needs costly repairs.

4. Understand Your Company’s Assets and Operations More Clearly

How great would it be if you could know in advance if your workers were going to be sick? This is basically what condition-based monitoring does for equipment. You’ll have a clear idea of when problems are developing and can take care of them before it costs you. That means it’ll be clear and easy to make decisions about your long-term plans, and whether to replace or repair your current assets.

5. Identify Trends With Digital Transformation and Predict Future Failures and Parts Replacement

A neat feature of condition-based monitoring is being able to better gauge the life span of equipment. Whether it’s machinery as a whole or just the parts, you’ll better understand when actual repairs or replacements are needed. This makes it easier to allocate your money and will help you avoid unnecessary spending.

6. Access Experts for Assistance

There are times when it’s hard to know if there’s something wrong with your machinery. For example, if your temperature spikes, you might not know whether it’s time to service the machine or if this is just a one-time thing. But there’s no need to guess or risk worsening the situation. With condition-based monitoring, you typically have access to experts who’ll be able to give on-the-spot advice, and can even remotely diagnose the problem.

7. Prevent Loss of Production Because of an Outage

The worst part of working with big and expensive machinery is when things go wrong. You might not know what’s going on, or you may be afraid to stop production because your machinery is so important and vital to your business. As such, you can’t simply rely on regularly scheduled maintenance since you never know when an urgent issue will pop up.

Rather than risk unexpected downtime, you can save yourself the headache and start monitoring your equipment now.

8. Increase Uptime for Production Lines

On the flip side of things, reliable condition-based monitoring means your production lines will be running at an optimal level. You’ll never need to stop production because you’re either waiting for repairs or, worse yet, unable to operate at all. This translates directly into increased profits and is a testament to how powerful a digital transformation for your business can be.

Clearly, there are many benefits to monitoring your equipment’s state, such as cost savings, increased efficiency, and better visibility. Contact us to learn how to use condition monitoring in your business today.