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The Digital Transformation of the Power Grid

The Digital Transformation of the Power Grid

Maintaining a steady supply of energy is a complicated and demanding task. The energy industry is transitioning towards more sustainable sources of power, such as solar panels, which requires proactive planning. Meanwhile, external factors like economic conditions, security risks, and natural disasters only add to the difficulties. To overcome these challenges, utilities are embracing digital transformation. Let’s explore the various elements of the modern digital power grid and how wireless private networks are helping utilities achieve their objectives.

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How to Use IIoT to Improve Factory Operations

How to Use IIoT to Improve Factory Operations

In today’s industrial world, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is being increasingly leveraged to improve factory operations security and scalability. IIoT is a system of interconnected devices, sensors, and software that can be used to automate and optimize industrial processes. By using IIoT, factories can benefit from improved resource management, greater operational efficiency, and enhanced security. This technology can also help to reduce energy consumption, improve scalability, and enable factories to meet customer demands faster.

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Driving Digital Transformation with different types of Data Systems

Driving Digital Transformation with different types of Data Systems

Data is at the center of digital transformation. The more data you can acquire, the more possibilities open up to your company. However, there are a variety of ways to collect data. Data acquisition systems (DAQ) collect data and, together with data analytics software, turn them into useful insights that your company can use to improve its processes and gain an advantage over the competition.

Consider some of the different types of DAQ systems, how to implement them, and the benefits they can bring to your business.

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Aero & Defense: Digital Transformation Tech Enablers

Aero & Defense: Digital Transformation Tech Enablers

Another industrial revolution is in progress. This time, it’s Industry 4.0. Companies around the world are working hard to complete their digital transformation and take advantage of the opportunities that Industry 4.0 has to offer. Nowhere is this more important than in the aerospace and defense industries, where large, lucrative contracts come with big expectations. To stay ahead of the competition, you’ll need as many tech enablers as possible to adopt a fully digital environment.

Tech enablers are the underlying technologies and tools that make a greater technological achievement possible. The steam engine was a tech enabler for railroads, power generation, and mass production, for example. Today’s industrial revolution relies on a greater number of tech enablers, all of which work together to produce a shift in how your company conducts its business. Consider which enablers you’ve already deployed and which ones are missing to complete your digital transformation.

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Can Smart Grids Help Solve the Global Energy Crisis?

Can Smart Grids Help Solve the Global Energy Crisis?

The energy grid is a modern marvel. Nevertheless, its analog nature has proven to be inadequate for today’s energy demand. In order for energy companies to stay competitive, grid infrastructure needs a digital transformation. Smart grid technology can help us cut down on energy consumption, minimize waste, and even integrate new technologies more efficiently. Even more importantly, a smarter grid can help us navigate complex problems, like today’s energy crisis.

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Questions to Ask When Planning a Digital Transformation Strategy

Questions to Ask When Planning a Digital Transformation Strategy

A digital transformation is a must for companies to stay competitive in today’s complex and turbulent market. Going digital can make companies much more profitable and enable technologies that increase resilience and adaptability. Nevertheless, going digital is a challenge. In order for the transition to go smoothly, it must be planned out very well. To help you plan your transformation, consider a few important questions before embarking on this important project. Digital transformation companies can facilitate the process.

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How Augmented Reality Is Completely Transforming Aerospace

How Augmented Reality Is Completely Transforming Aerospace

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are proving to be game-changers in the aerospace industry, including the aeronautical and aviation sectors. There are numerous benefits to the digitalization of this industry, and AR is one of the latest technological advancements that offer innovative solutions in all sectors. Recently there has been an increase in military investment in this technology, although commercial aviation operations are also utilizing it.

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation

Recent developments in the area of artificial intelligence are causing a shift in the digital transformation of many companies. While interest in AI has been long-standing, many companies and managers have struggled to understand how this new technology can really help them take their business to the next generation. Now, we’re starting to see feedback and data that help put all of this in perspective.

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