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ICT Applications In Electronics Defense Industry: The Saudi Landscape

SAAB RDS - ICT Applications In Electronics Defense Industry: The Saudi Landscape
SAAB RDS - ICT Applications In Electronics Defense Industry: The Saudi Landscape

Join us on this webinar to learn more about entrepreneurial and technology commercialization opportunities that emerging ICT technologies make possible in the Electronics Defense sector.

We’ll explore the local ecosystem, enablers and address the foundational skills and programs in Saudi Arabia that are making this possible.


Topics covered will include:

  • ICT Technology trends
  • Aerospace Technology commercialization. A case study.
  • Saudi Aerospace Strategy and Opportunities.
  • Panel discussion: Talent and Skills in the Region and how to bridge the gap.

This event is a unique opportunity to share the table with key leaders, to share knowledge and expertise and to contribute to building the future of the Saudi Aerospace and Defense landscape.

WWWW May DD – 10 am KSA Time