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Academic Teaching

Mobile Robotics Teaching and Research

Mobile Robotics Teaching and Research

Quanser engineers will demonstrate how the QBot 2 is ideally suited for teaching and research including:

– An overview of the sensors and actuators included in the platform
– Basic motion and performance
– The Kinect sensor for mapping and navigation
– The curriculum topics included such as path planning, mapping and navigation, and image processing
– Expanding the platform for custom challenges and research objectives

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Youth orientation Session: Digital Economy Jobs for Future Middle East Leaders

Youth orientation Session: Digital Economy Jobs for Future Middle East Leaders

As global economies are facing uncertainties, deglobalization trends, supply chain disruption and as regional economies transform from oil based to knowledge based, new market and new job opportunities emerge.
Join us in this informative session to expand your horizons and gain a global perspective on these dynamics and the opportunities lying ahead and how they affect the job market and the skills required for a career success.

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