Dec 7, 2022
The energy grid is a modern marvel. Nevertheless, its analog nature has proven to be inadequate for today’s energy demand. In order for energy companies to stay competitive, grid infrastructure needs a digital transformation. Smart grid technology can help us cut down on energy consumption, minimize waste, and even integrate new technologies more efficiently. Even more importantly, a smarter grid can help us navigate complex problems, like today’s energy crisis.
May 12, 2022
On June 6th, at the Riyadh Marriott Hotel, we are gathering the most important companies in the Kingdom to discuss technologies such as cyber-physical systems, photonics systems, passive radars, and many more, and how these are shaping the future of the Aerospace and Energy industry and research domains.
Dec 20, 2021
The digital revolution is here and businesses that want to survive need to keep up with the digital transformation. So how does this process work? The goal of this process is to keep your business adaptable to changes in the status quo by continually upgrading your technology and making changes to the organizational elements of your business to keep up with demand. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Dec 13, 2021
The future of energy is renewable, so it makes sense that digital transformation is turning to new technology that conserves, rather than spends, energy. Smart grid technology is an emerging solution that integrates digital communication technology with two-way electricity flow to create a more sustainable network. But how does it work?
Dec 7, 2021
Even though power generation gets a disproportionate share of the attention in the energy sector, the underlying network of pipelines and power lines that make energy production and distribution possible is just as important. Pipelines aren’t flashy or exciting, but they’re essential to your operations. To keep your business running smoothly, you need modern pipeline monitoring technology.